Thursday, October 28, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Kebaya Hijau Sisik Ikan
(since takde siapa pun baca blog ni, so bolehlah letak gambar kebaya hijau ni). Design ni copy dari Noramanik design sebab memang request customer untuk design ini (siap email gambar design Nora to me - actually I yang request dia email hihiks).
It took me almost 2 weeks to complete because I can only embroider during lunch hour on weekdays (rarely I have the opportunity to bead at night due to beads order packing activity) and on weekend.
There are 10 pink sisik ikan flowers and 12 yellow sisik ikan flowers (total 22 flowers). And the leaves - 148 pieces...that was lots of work, I tell ya.
For me, the tedious part is the leaves, not the sisik ikan (fish scale) flower itself.
By the way, there are 2 bouquets of flowers on each sleeve.
Most of the materials can be obtained from Zaimanik Online Store at
Yellow flower:
SRC652 Sequin Round Curve 6mm yellow - 1.5 x 10g pack
YR514 Miyuku Round beads 11/0 ceylon yellow - 1.5 x 10g pack
SFB586 Sequin Flower Bowl 5mm orange - 0.5 x 10g pack
YR543 Miyuku Round beads 11/0 ceylon peach - 0.5 x 10g pack
Pink flower:
SRC653 Sequin Round Curve 6mm light pink - 1 x 10g pack
YR530 Miyuku Round beads 11/0 ceylon light pink - 1 x 10g pack
SFB584 Sequin Flower Bowl 5mm fuchsia - 0.5 x 10g pack
YR1436 Miyuku Round beads 11/0 dyed silverline dark fuchsia - 0.5 x 10g pack
YR16 Miyuku Round beads 11/0 silverline dark green - 4.5 x 10g pack
YR5 Miyuku Round beads 11/0 silverline med brown - 1 x 10g pack
Additional items:
Acrylic flower small size (not in Zaimanik's product but can be replaced with drop acrylic stones)
YR3 Miyuku Round beads 11/0 silverline med gold - a little bit only, just to secure the acrylic flower
Non-woven interlacing fabric (kain gam) - A4 size piece is enough
Thread Dolphin brand green no. D211 - 1 roll
Beading needle
Friday, August 27, 2010
Jahit Manik pre-raya preview
The reasons that there's no new post for the past week is because of pictures on the left. Those are WIP beading projects (that's why you can still see the Water Erasable Pen ink). When it's complete, I will post completed pictures and what ingredients and quantity do you need (beads and sequins) if you want to copy the same I have to get back to beading....
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Bahan Asas untuk Sulaman Manik
Note: Article ini adalah dari website lama saya yang sudah tidak digunakan lagi. Artikei ini bertarikh 27 marh 2007, jadi info yang dah outdated, yang saya akan update kemudian.
1. Kain untuk disulam
- Semakin lembut/lembik kain yang perlu disulam manik, semakin susah proses menyulam.
- Kain yang jarang seperti lace (renda) sangat memerlukan penelitian dan kadang-kadang memerlukan kain lain sebagai alas di bahagian dalam untuk meyokong jahitan sulam manik tersebut.
2. Manik
- Untuk pakaian yang selalu dibasuh, gunakanlah manik yang berkualiti tinggi iaitu manik Jepun. Harganya memang lebih mahal tetapi amat bersinar, sinarannya tahan lama, saiznya konsisten, tidak mudah pecah dan lubangnya besar.
- Manik Japun yang banyak di pasaran Malaysia adalah Matsuno (MGB) atau Toho. Miyuki jarang diedarkan di Malaysia kerana harganya lebih mahal.
- Awas dengan penjual manik yang menjual manik Jepun tiruan (bukan dari Jepun) kerana bila sudah dipeketkan ke paket kecil, pelanggan tidak tahu jenama sebenar manik tersebut. Hanya melalui pemerhatian yang teliti dapat membezakan manik-manik tersebut.
3. Labuci
- Pelbagai jenis labuci dengan pelbagai bentuk, saiz dan 'finished' dijual di pasaran.
- Labuci dibuat dari sejenis bahan plastik keras.
- Pelbagai negara mengeluarkan labuci seperti China, Taiwan, India tetapi mengikut pengalaman saya labuci dari Austria adalah yang paling cantik dan berkualiti. Malah Jepun juga mengeluarkan labuci sekarang tetapi saya tiada pengalaman menggunakannya lagi.
4. Jarum Sulaman Manik
- Gunalah jarum yang dikhaskan untuk sulaman.Jenama yang selalu ada di pasaran adalah REGAL.
- Size yang sesuai adalah 10,11 atau 12. Makin tinggi nombor jarum, makin halus jarumnya.
- Jarum sulaman lebih lembut dari jarum biasa dan selepas beberapa penggunaan ia akan kelihatan bengkok sedikit. Jangan risau kerana jarum itu membiasakan dirinya dengan cara anda menyulam.
- Buang jarum bila terlalu bengkok, berkarat walaupun sedikit, atau bila menyulam, anda rasa tersekat-sekat bila menarik jarum.
5. Benang
- Menurut Rosita Jaafar antara benang polyester yang berkualiti adalah cap DMC (atau Rinata, dari pengilang yang sama) dan cap Kerbau (atau Coat, dari kilang yang sama).
- Benang yang berkualiti tidak mudah putus dan cepat terbelit-belit dan berselirat semasa menjahit.
- Salah satu cara untuk mengurangkan selirat adalah dengan meraut benang tersebut pada sebatang lilin sebelum menjahit.
- Benang nylon yang halus juga boleh digunakan. Kepada yang tidak mengenali benang nylon, benangnya seperti tali pancing tetapi amat halus, seperti rambut.
- Saya hanya menggunakan benang nylon bila menjahit batu acrylic kerana saya tidak mahu benang nampak di atas batu acrylic tersebut. Tetapi ada juga orang yang menggunakan benang nylon untuk menjahit manik.
- Awas semasa menggosok pakaian yang maniknay dijahit dengan benang nylon. Jika tidak berhati-hati atau suhu seterika terlalu panas, ini boleh menyebabkan benang nylon terbakar dan terputus. Sia-sialah usaha berjam-jam menjahit manik tersebut.
6. Corak Sulaman
- Corak sulaman bergantung kepada kemahiran dan kesabaran seseorang penjahit manik.
- Jika anda baru belajar menyulam manik, cubalah corak yang senang dulu seperti manik beriring. Bila sudah yakin dan kemas, bolehlah mencuba corak yang lebih memerlukan kemahiran.
- Jika anda tidak tahu mereka corak, jangan bimbang, banyak buku yang memberi contoh seperti buku sulaman manik Rosita Jaafar. Atau pergi ke forum-forum internet. Banyak corak didedahkan secara percuma dan tip-tip menyulam diberikan oleh penyulam-penyulam berpengalan luas. Ada di antara penyulam sanggup berkongsi ilmu dengan mengambil gambar cara-cara menjahit sesuatu corak. Contoh penyulam-penyulam yang pemurah ini adalah Amoi dan Yatie Din (dari forum Cari)
- Daripada feedback ramai penyulam, corak Rawak atau "Random" adalah paling leceh untuk dibuat, walaupun tanggapan ramai ia adalah corak yang senang disulam.
Disediakan oleh:
Zaihasra Zulkifli
Beading Treasure Resources
23 March 2007
Monday, August 16, 2010
Raya Promo at

Inilah bahananya bila terlampau tak di update..selalu update Fotopages ajer...
Di sini saya nak listkan Raya Promotion untuk kedai manik online
Haaa...banyak item under promo sampai raya ni, so bolehlah order lebih sket utk simpan stok utk raya haji...lagipun lepas raya pun byk open house kan...takkan nak pakai baju2 yg sama to all the open houses,,,so lepas raya ni pun boleh jahit manik lagi utk baju open house stok awal2...sebab zaimanik cuti sepanjang raya yerk...
Plastic pearl 3mm promo price is RM1.50 /10g. Usual price RM2.00/10g
Sequin Flower Bowl 4mm promo price is RM2.50/10g. Usual price RM3.00/10g
Acrylic Rectangle 8x12mm promo price is RM3.00/20 pcs.Usual price RM4.00 / 20 pcs.
Acrylic Eye 8x16mm price reduced to RM4.00 / 20pcs. Previous price was RM2.50 / 10 pcs (RM5/20pcs)
Acrylic Round 8mm price reduced to RM3.00 / 20pcs. Previous price was RM3.40 /20pc
Glass Pearl 6mm RM3.00 /10g. Usual price RM3.50 /10g.
The good news is I might keep some of the promo prices as a permanent price after raya...:)
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Saiz 2Cut (hexagon)

Saya nak buat post ni dalam Bahasa Melayu sebab saya malas nak karang ayat dalam Bahasa Inggeris, dan lepas tu suami saya kena edit pula (kalau grammar tak betul or ayat berbelit tu maksudnya suami saya belum edit). Tapi post ni bukan dalam BM sepenuhnya, kira rojak BM -English yerk.
Nak panggil hexagon atau 2Cut (two cut)? Dua2 sebutan boleh guna, refer shape yang sama juga. Hexagon tu sah2 sebab bentuknya 6 segi (cuba tengok di lubang tu, 6 segi kan). Jangan panggil silinder yerk, sebab bentuk silinder tu tak bersegi (macam silinderlah).
Nama 2Cut tu pulak saya tak tahu dari mana asalnya...punya baca banyak buku dan majalah beading, belum jumpa asal usul kenapa dipanggil 2Cut (jangan tak tau, 3Cut pun wujud). Hmm..kena membaca lagi banyak ni (nasib baik salah satu hobi saya membaca).
Saiz 2Cut ni sama jer dengan saiz Round (saya refer untuk Miyuki aje) tapi variasi saiz tu kurang.
15/0 : 1.5mm
12/0: 1.8mm
11/0: 2.0mm --> Ini saiz yang Miyuki import ke Malaysia
10/0: 2.2mm
9/0: 2.5mm
8/0: 3.0mm
6/0: 4.0mm
5/0: 5.0mm
Sekarang dah tau, kan senang....nak tengok warna-warna yang ada, silalah ke
Round Bead Sizes

Lots of people confused with when it comes to beads sizes such as 11/0, 15/0, 12/0, 8/0 and so on. Alternatively, they are written as 110 (but the 0 is at the top, just like when we write degree Celcius). These sizes are applicable for round beads (a.k.a. round rocailles).
How do you pronounce the sizes?
11/0 is pronounced as Eleven Ohhh..12/0 is pronounced as Twelve Ohhh..and so on
Why do they use these sizes and what does it means?
From my reading of the beading books and mags, there's no conclusive story or evidence who originally coined the terms. Some says that 11/0 means 11 beads can fit in 1 inch, 15/0 means 15 beads in 1 inch etc. However, this might no longer applicable these days since different manufacturers use different machines. For example, 11/0 size might vary a bit depending on the manufacturer.
Can we convert the size to metric system?
Luckily the answer is YES.
Below is the metric conversion for original Miyuki. The size in metric is the size for 1 bead.
15/0 : 1.5mm --> smallest beads, I only have silverline finish and black opaque round Miyuki
12/0: 1.8mm
11/0: 2.0mm ---> Most of the Miyuki round beads imported to Malaysia is in this size.
10/0: 2.2mm
9/0: 2.5mm
8/0: 3.0mm ---> I only have Miyuki silver and gold in this size
6/0: 4.0mm ---> I only have Miyuki silver and gold in this size
5/0: 5.0mm
2/0: 6.0mm
1/0: 6.5mm
Obviously you can see that the lower the size, the bigger the beads.
The size s that we normally used for cloth embroidering is 11/0 and 12/0, and some 15/0 for finer touch. 8/0 and 6/0 are used sparingly. For jewelry, 11/0,12/0 and 15/0 are favorite sizes too.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Beads Finish
Beads Finishes
Opaque: Light cannot pass through it.
Example for Miyuku: YH401 (opaque), YH455 (opaque AB)
Transparent : Light can pass through it. Often referred to as glass.
Example for Miyuku: YH260 (transparent AB)
Translucent : Allows partial transmission of light through it.
Matte : Dull appearance. Achieved by tumbling beads or dipping them in a glass etching solution.
Silver Lined: Mirror-like finish inside the bead which adds sparkle to it.
Example for Miyuku: YH1 (silverline) , YH1006 (silverline AB)
Color Lined: Usually seen in a two-color mix with an opaque color inside of a transparent bead.
Luster: Very shiny finish which covers the entire outer layer of the bead.
Ceylon: Translucent bead with a luster finish.
Example for Miyuku: YH511
Dyed: A process of surface color dying often seen in Japanese beads. Color will come off if not protected. Clear spray paint may be used. Do not dry clean as the dry cleaning chemical might react with the surface color.
Example for Miyuku: YH1340 (dyed silverline)
Metallic : Bead surface has a fired-on, metal-like finish which adds shine to it.
Example for Miyuku: YH454
AB (Aurora Borealis) A rainbow-like surface which has been fired onto the bead.
Opaque: Light cannot pass through it.
Example for Miyuku: YH401 (opaque), YH455 (opaque AB)
Transparent : Light can pass through it. Often referred to as glass.
Example for Miyuku: YH260 (transparent AB)
Translucent : Allows partial transmission of light through it.
Matte : Dull appearance. Achieved by tumbling beads or dipping them in a glass etching solution.
Silver Lined: Mirror-like finish inside the bead which adds sparkle to it.
Example for Miyuku: YH1 (silverline) , YH1006 (silverline AB)
Color Lined: Usually seen in a two-color mix with an opaque color inside of a transparent bead.
Luster: Very shiny finish which covers the entire outer layer of the bead.
Ceylon: Translucent bead with a luster finish.
Example for Miyuku: YH511
Dyed: A process of surface color dying often seen in Japanese beads. Color will come off if not protected. Clear spray paint may be used. Do not dry clean as the dry cleaning chemical might react with the surface color.
Example for Miyuku: YH1340 (dyed silverline)
Metallic : Bead surface has a fired-on, metal-like finish which adds shine to it.
Example for Miyuku: YH454
AB (Aurora Borealis) A rainbow-like surface which has been fired onto the bead.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
COLOR Matching

Some people are naturally gifted in COLOR matching, but some, like myself, often find themselves struggling just to match colors.
We have a dress..say ..a med brown colored one...we find ourselves faced with the daunting task of figuring out what colors of beads and sequins to use on it without having it end up looking like either a gunny sack or a Christmas tree on parade.
The obvious choice of beads colors are perhaps shades of brown, gold, dark yellow..those are the primary and complimentary colors. Then we need some contrast colors to spice up the outfit..this is when we run into some problems. What other colors can we use, either complimentary or contrasting?
We can try to mix and match using whatever beads and sequins that we have in our collection, but unless you're an obsessive compulsive beads hoarder (like yours truly), sometimes you just don't have enough colors to match.
Thankfully, there's a great tool to help us. It's called a COLOR WHEEL (as pictured above but without the top part to select the color). I discovered this handy little tool in Beads and Button magazine a few years ago and have given away soft copies of it to many of my customers over the past few years.
Who would suggest that Mangosteen maroon looks good on brown? I won't but the COLOR WHEEL suggested that it's a complimentary color for brown. Check it out in my unfinished outfit at the top (the story on the unfinished dress itself fits for another post!).
The picture does injustice to the color matching element but the maroon (on the biggest flower) looks really good on the me on this because 3 beaders (distinguish ones) have borrowed this unfinished shirt from me for their reference.
So to commemorate the beginning of my blog, I'm giving away the SOFT COPY of the COLOR WHEEL (in PDF). Email me at or to request it. (Obviously only applicable to the readers of this blog).
All you have to do then is to print it in COLOR. Follow the instruction given on cutting this part and that part and laminate it for sturdiness. It comes complete with instructions on how to use it.
May this tool COLOR your way through those back breaking beading hours.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Testing Sequin Color Steadfastness

Yesterday I got an sms from a customer asking whether the color of certain sequins will fade during wash. Apparently, she had experienced sequin color fading after all the hard work she had put into embroidering a dress. It turned out it was a metallic sequin (fan shaped).
NOT ALL metallic sequins will fade when washed. It depends on the quality of the sequins.
Last night I did an experiment. I took few pieces of metallic purple sequins in my stock (SRC412) and soaked them in a bowl of water. And this morning, when I checked it, the color stayed on the sequin ..yeay...
Next experiment: soak the sequins in soapy water...
So, to the beaders out there, if you're not confident with your sequins, just test them first like I did.
For the list of all the metallic sequins, please go to
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